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Is this right for my business??

Contextual Advertising: Is this right for my business??

Contextual advertising on adwords can be a great source for increased traffic. However, you should really measure your return on investment and how well these clicks convert. As a general rule for most campaigns that I have run, contextual advertising never converts as well as pure search.

In the past you paid essentially the same amount per click as pure search. This made the financial aspect less attractive. However after much feedback from many advertisers(myself included), Google has come up with some program changes that I applaud. They have essentially lowered the cost per click on the contextual advertising. This was long overdue, and due to the changes; I have had many clients revisit and start using this feature in adwords with good success.

Your ads are shown thru the google adsense program and show up on websites other than google's search results.

Let's get the ball rolling on this subject and tell me your experiences with this...


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